Sunday, February 22, 2015

Romans 6:16 Inductive Bible Study: Obedience 2/18

Romans 6:15-16 says, "What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Certainly not! Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one's slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death or of obedience leading to righteousness?"

Verses 18-19 say, "And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness. I speak in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh. For just as you presented your members as slaves of uncleanness, and of lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves of righteousness for holiness."

My assigned verse what Romans 6:16 but I included the others to help clarify it.

A lot of times people think, "Well, God's grace is there for me so I can do whatever I want and He'll forgive me." Yeah, that's not how it works. I know that I've gotten caught up in thinking this way at certain times in my life. I just want to ignore what God is telling me. I don't want to follow His plan for me at that time because sin is way more "fun". But when I get tired of it and decide to "get right with God", His grace will be there. Okay, yes, God's grace is there. But that should so not be how we look at grace. Paul admits that this is an imperfect analogy but in human terms, we are going to be slaves to something. It's our choice what it will be. Will I be a slave to sin, which eventually leads to death? Or will I be a slave to obedience to God, which leads to righteousness and eternal life through Christ. I don't know about you, but I definitely think the second one sounds like the better deal.

Also, going back to my IBS from Monday, I obey God because I love Him. If I am doing whatever I want because God will have grace, that's not a loving relationship. I'm doing whatever is convenient for me. I would feel completely taken advantage of if one of my friends or family members treated me like this. What makes me think it's okay to treat my loving Heavenly Father this way? It's not only disobedient, it's disrespectful of the sacrifice that He's given for me. He gave His only Son to be tortured and murdered so that I can have a relationship with Him. And I take it completely for granted. I treat it like a convenience. Whenever I feel like being right with God. Whenever I get bored of the world. But as soon as sin gets enticing again, I go back to it, knowing that God's grace will be there when I'm ready. I really need to get rid of this way of thinking. I've been saved when I completely don't deserve it. I am totally unworthy and yet God loves me. God doesn't owe me. How dare I take His grace so lightly.

I am a slave to obedience. I need to remember that. But I am a bondslave because I am willing. I want to obey God. I love Him. I am so undeserving of His grace and I don't want to look at it as a convenience anymore. Obedience to God leads to righteousness and eternal life(Romans 8:28). How exciting is that? Sin only leads to eternal suffering. The "reward" and "fun" is only temporary but the gift of God lasts forever.


Today, I will memorize Romans 6:15-16 and post it on my bed as a reminder to not take God's grace lightly.

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