Sunday, February 22, 2015

Acts 5:29 Inductive Bible Study: Obedience 2/17

Acts 5:29 says, "But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: "We ought to obey God rather than men."

American society is very much into trends and following what everyone says is popular. It doesn't even matter if it's stupid or if we don't like it; we do it because everyone else says we should and we look for man's approval. Most trends don't even make sense. We just want to fit in. We only want to belong. So when society says that God isn't cool and therefore talking about Him is not allowed, we want the world's acceptance so much that we listen. We deny God or at least hide His light.

Newsflash, the reason that society wants us to stop talking about God is because they are convicted. They know, one way or another that how they are living is wrong and if they accept that God is real and alive, they'll have to change and that just won't be "cool" or "fun". Oh, if they only knew the purpose that their life could have! I have definitely gotten caught up in worrying about what the world says. Even about where I should be in life. Society says that "normal" successful people graduate high school at 18, graduate college at 22 and get married and start having kids somewhere between 18 and 25. Well I am turning 20 next month, haven't started college, don't have a boyfriend, and am living as a missionary in another country for almost a year. My situation right now doesn't fall in the "normal" category of society and that can be stressful if I get caught up in what society says my life should be and don't give God the control of my life. God said go to IGNITE so I did. I need to obey God rather than men. Even when it doesn't make sense. Even when I get judged or mocked.

Also, we have God on our side. Why in the world do we need man's approval? The God that created the universe is taking care of me. He will never leave me nor forsake me. I am filled with His Holy Spirit, who is my Helper. Who can be against me(Romans 8:31)? Nothing can separate me from the love of God through Christ Jesus(Romans 8:39).

God's plans are so much better than mine because I can't see everything at once like He can so I don't know how my situation is effecting someone else. My job is to just trust that He has a purpose for me to be where I am. He has given me commands for my own good and so that His plans get completed. He has created me for good works which He prepared beforehand(Ephesians 2:10). My job is to walk in them.

Today, I will memorize this verse.

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