Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Hosea 2:23 Inductive Bible Study

Hosea 2:23 says, “Then I will sow her for Myself in the earth, and I will have mercy on her who had not obtained mercy; Then I will say to those who were not my people, 'You are My people!' And they shall say, 'You are my God!'”

So in continuing with my study in Hosea, I found this verse. This is beautiful because, as I mentioned in my last IBS post, God told Hosea to name two of his children Lo-Ruhamah (not having obtained mercy) and Lo-Ammi (not my people). This verse is saying that He will basically renew them back to how they were supposed to be. The whole beginning of the book of Hosea is about God's judgment towards Israel and the consequences that they are going to receive for their disobedience. But starting at 2:14, we see that God's judgment won't last forever. 2:14 says,”I will allure her(Israel), will bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfort to her.” How beautiful this picture is! God's people have been disobedient, rejected Him, and run after other gods too many times to count, yet He still loves them. He is judging them and giving them consequences, but that will end eventually. The punishment has a purpose. He wants to remind them that He is the one who has always provided for them and taken care of them and that without Him, they have nothing. But He wants to allure them; to captivate them and draw them back to Himself. In verse 16, the Lord talks about how, when that day comes, His people will no longer call Him Master but Husband. The word Baal(the name of one of their false gods) can mean Master. So this would help them to disassociate the one true God with the false gods that they are used to worshiping.  He says that He will betroth them to Him forever, in righteousness, justice, lovingkindness, faithfulness and mercy. These are the people that left God after all He did for them. The ones who blatantly pursued other gods. And He is saying that they will be committed to each other forever.
This just blows me away. And then I realize that this is exactly what He has done for us! We are His and we have strayed from Him and yet He is bringing us back. He is alluring me to Himself. He has provided for me and I have blatantly turned away from Him. Yet, knowing the choices that I would make beforehand, He still loves me enough to sacrifice Himself for my sin and change my name. My name was Fallen and now it's Forgiven. I was Captive but now I am Free. He does not hold against me the sins of my past. They are gone and forgotten. “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.” (Psalm 103:12) He has given me mercy and grace when I least deserved it. The Creator of the universe has called me His. I can't even explain how blessed I feel by knowing this.


Today, I am going to memorize this verse and post it on my wall so that I can remember who and Whose I am.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Inductive Bible Study Hosea 2:8 4/20/15

Hosea 2:8 says, ”For she did not know that I gave her new grain, new wine, and oil, and multiplied her silver and gold- which they prepared for Baal.”

So during my quiet time, I've been studying in the book of Hosea. Hosea was a prophet during a time where Israel was totally rebelling and pursuing other gods. God told Hosea to marry a harlot because He was making a symbol for His people. Hosea and his wife, Gomer, had a daughter and God told them to name her Lo-Ruhamah which means “not loved” or “no mercy”. And God told them to name one of their sons Lo-Ammi which means “not my people”. Most of the first two chapters of Hosea are God talking to His people through Hosea, telling them how they will be destroyed and He will turn away from them because of their adulterous sin.
In the verses surrounding this verse, God is talking about how He is going to take everything that they have from them so that they will turn back to Him. When they realize that the life they are choosing is fruitless and full of famine, He says that they will return to Him because they see that life was better for them then(2:7). In 2:8, He's saying that they didn't even realize that everything that they had came from Him. Aren't we like this so often? Everything that we have is from God. This isn't our world, and these aren't our bodies; nothing here belongs to us. God created everything and gives to us everything that we have. But I take all of this for granted. I forget that I wouldn't have anything if God didn't give it to me. So then when we make bad choices and turn from God, we get frustrated when opportunities don't work out or we lose the things that we had. Nothing I have is mine, so what makes me think that I can do whatever I want and still have all the blessings that I had when I was walking with God and trusting Him for everything?
Something else that I find interesting in this verse is when it says, ”which they prepared for Baal.” They took what God had given them and used them to worship other gods. This is something that I also tend to do. I use the talents and opportunities and other things that God has blessed me with and use them to pursue the things that I put above God.


So today, I will write “All I have is Yours” and post it on the wall above my bed so that I am reminded daily not to take the things that God has given me for granted.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Updated Blog April 2015

So I'm in the airport right now traveling back to the States for my 10 day break before I start my field time in Guatemala. I currently have a 5 hour layover so I thought I would use some of this time to let you know how the last 3 months have been and what I will be doing when I go back to Guatemala.

God has used these last 3 months to radically transform me into a completely different person. When I first arrived in Guatemala, I was insincere, hard-hearted and really just thought that there was no way God even wanted to use me. I felt irredeemable and empty. Within the first few weeks, a genuine desire for God was growing in my heart but my past was getting in the way. I felt like I couldn't talk to God; like He didn't actually want to hear from me. And then all of a sudden it was like His Word started breaking through my hard heart. I realized that I didn't have to be held captive to my sin anymore. I asked God for forgiveness and was set free. When I had doubts, His sweet voice would remind me that whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Sometimes I still had a hard time forgiving myself but I realized that if God had forgotten about it, what right did I have to bring it up?

Besides freeing me from the bondage of sin that I had put myself in, God gave me an amazing family. He brought eleven young adults and a family of five, all with vastly different backgrounds and personalities, together to Guatemala to become a family in His name. As we grow closer to God, we have grown closer to each other. Every week, we have a Potter’s Field Kid’s Club, where a bunch of sweet kids from all over Antigua come to play together, eat lunch, sing songs and hear about the love of Jesus. I have fallen so deeply in love with these kids. We have learned so much through the variety of classes that we have been taking every day. I’ve learned about how to better defend my faith, share the Gospel, be a humble servant, and so many more important lessons. Yesterday was a hard day as I said goodbye to half of my new family for six months as they leave to pursue God's plan for them in different parts of the world(i.e. Cambodia, Kenya…) I am going to miss them so much but I so incredibly excited to see what God does in and through them, in the next six months. I have been so encouraged by them and I know that others will be as well.

When I return to Guatemala in 10 days, the rest of my team and I will be going into 4 different public schools in Antigua and teaching English using the Bible as our curriculum.  We will also be leading PF Kid’s Club each week, have opportunities to serve at our local Calvary Chapel, have outreaches in town where we share mimes or skits that share the Gospel message, ministering at the local hospital and so much more. I’m so excited for what God is going to do in the next six months. I can’t wait to see the opportunities that He gives me and the situations that will help me grow and become more like Him. Please be praying for me to have flexibility. Also, please just keep IGNITE Class 8 in prayer as we start our field times all over the world.

Thank you so much for your prayers!

By His Grace,

MaKayla <3 :)

Matthew 5:20 Inductive Bible Study: Purpose and Righteousness 4/3

Matthew 5:20 says, "For I say to you that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven."

Can I just say that this statement probably blew the Pharisees away. "What in the world does this blasphemer mean? No one could ever be more righteous than us!" This probably also freaked out the disciples because they knew that their righteousness didn't exceed the Pharisees. But the Pharisees "righteousness" was their external following of every Law. They condemned others who weren't as righteous as they were. Jesus' point here is not that we're to try to be like the Pharisees but that our own righteousness is never going to be enough. Even theirs wasn't enough; He said it had to exceed it. Jesus is the only one who is truly righteous. We can only have true righteousness through Him. He died and rose again so that we could be set free from the sin that enslaves us and be made righteous.

Something that I have always had a hard time understanding and living out is that when I believe on Jesus Christ and repent, I am righteous in God's sight. I would read verses in the Bible that talk about the righteous and what God does for the righteous(especially in the Psalms) and I would automatically think, "Well, that one doesn't apply to me, I'm not there yet." I always felt like I was too far from the place that I needed to be at to go to Jesus. I felt like had to work harder and follow the rules better and maybe I might get there one day. But I don't have to work for righteousness. I can't earn it. I will never be good enough no matter how hard I try. The Pharisees followed every Law to a "t"(or so they thought) and still weren't good enough in and of themselves. The only choice that I have is to fall into Jesus' arms in surrender, repent and ask Him to wash me and then clothe me in His righteousness.

Today, I will write "clothed in His righteousness" on my arm so that I remember that it's not my own righteousness that I have to work for but Jesus' righteousness that gets me into the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 5:19 Inductive Bible Study: Purpose and Righteousness 4/2

Matthew 5:19 says, "Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."

So during these last 3 months, our class has been IBSing the book of Jude. Jude is all about false prophets in the church and how to discern them and not listen to them and not be like them. I just finished with this assignment over the weekend so naturally, seeing this verse made me think of Jude. I think this is pretty straight forward but so many people get go against this. Also during training, we've been studying books and watching documentaries about knowing what we believe but also knowing what others believe so that we can understand their views better when we talk to them.

This makes me think of one documentary that we watched about evolutionists and how they are stopping even the mentioning of an Intelligent Designer from being allowed to be mentioned in universities and elsewhere. I used to think that these people knew the truth but they were just trying to hide it from everyone else and brainwash everyone so that no one can know God and the hope that is found in Him. But I have now realized that sadly these people are really just lost. They don't realize how astray they are leading everyone. They were probably hurt in their past by a Christian or something happened that they blamed God for so they are just grasping for anything else that they can hold onto that doesn't point them to God. And they want everyone to believe it too so it validates them. It's really sad but it's reality.

So my job is not to condemn or rebuke them but to leave that to God. Even Michael the archangel didn't rebuke Satan but said, "Let the Lord rebuke you!" (Jude). My purpose is to show them love and compassion so that they'll actually want to hear what I have to say. I need to know what I believe and make sure that it is so grounded in the Word so that when I talk to them, I actually have a strong defense for the Word. I need to make sure that I am following the commandments completely to the best of my ability so that I am an example to nonbelievers because if I don't even follow what I am teaching then why should they? It doesn't matter what it is, how "small" of a sin I think that it is. Every commandment carries the same power.


Today, I will memorize this verse.

Matthew 5:18 Inductive Bible Study: Purpose and Righteousness 4/1

Matthew 5:18 says, "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."

So I learned from my team/roommates Katie and Brooke that "jot and tittle" are the names for the writing characters in the Hebrew language. So the point that Jesus is making here is that until the heaven and earth pass away, not even a mark in God's Word will change until everything has been fulfilled. All of the prophecies will come to pass. His Word stands firm until the end of the age.

So I think that this is also solidifying what I talked about yesterday. "Hey guys, My Word stands until the heavens and earth aren't around anymore. I'm not taking away the Law. It still has to be fulfilled. And that's what I'm here to do." I think it's not only referring to the prophecies and things that Jesus fulfilled in His lifetime and in His death and resurrection but also to all of the future prophecies that have not come to pass yet, even now.

Ok so, what does this mean for me? Nothing is going to change in God's Word until everything is fulfilled. Every commandment still stands. And I, as His follower am to follow every single one and not just fall back on grace.  Grace and forgiveness aren't there as a convenience to take advantage of whenever I want because I know it will always be there, yet so often I treat them as that. Romans 6:1 says, "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not!"  I should be doing what I can to follow the commandments and repent and receive God's grace and forgiveness when I fail because I am human and I will fail.

Today, I will pray that I depend on God to follow His commands out of love and not sin just because I know that there is grace.

Matthew 5:17 Inductive Bible Study: Purpose and Righteousness 3/31

Matthew 5:17 says, "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill."

What does Jesus fulfilling the Law and the Prophets mean? Jesus obeyed the Law perfectly, fulfilled all of the Old Testament prophecies and He provides a way of salvation that meets all the requirements of the Law. The Pharisees would accuse Jesus of nullifying the law but they didn't have an accurate understanding of who He was, what His purpose was and what He was going to do. Jesus brought a new meaning to the Law when He came and died. He brought on grace instead of the chains of the Law.

Romans 6:14 says, "For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under the law but under grace." Romans 7:6 says, "But now we have been delivered from the law, having died to what we were held by, so that we should serve in the newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter." Jesus sent the Holy Spirit after He died to dwell in us once we're saved. We are delivered from the Law because Jesus fulfilled it when He came and died.

I think that a big point that Jesus is making here is that the Law still stands even though He came. He wrote the Law. If He undermined the Law then He would be undermining Himself. He fulfilled it. He helped us to understand it. I think that a lot of Christians might think that they don't have to follow the Law because Jesus came and there is grace. I know that I struggled with this mindset for a while. "I can do whatever I want because God is going to forgive me." But now I'm realizing that I follow the Law because there is grace. Romans 6:15 says, "What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Certainly not!" I am following the Law because of the Spirit that is in me not because of the requirement. I follow out of love not out of compulsion.

I am going to write "fulfilled" on my left arm to remember that the Law is fulfilled through Christ and what that means for me.

Matthew 5:16 Inductive Bible Study: Discipline 3/30

Matthew 5:16 says, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify you Father in heaven."

The verses before this are talking about being the light of the world. The world is full of darkness. We don't have to look far to see that. Just turn on your TV or computer or look at your newspaper. Violence and crimes run rampant. Satan is the god of this world. But when we know God, His light shines through us. It is our job to let the light that is in us so shine before men. We are to be the examples that point to Him. I am to be a billboard that declares my Jesus.

What does that look like? We are to love others and do good works so that when they look at us, they see him. So when I do outreaches or missions trips and building houses or I just give a homeless person a sandwich, I'm shining God's light to them. But I should also be asking if I can pray for them, or sharing with them about God's love, because if I only do humanitarian acts and don't share the Gospel, I am making them comfortable on earth for an eternity in Hell. That doesn't mean that I have to convert someone every time I talk to them, but I should at least be planting seeds about Jesus so that other people can water them.

This has been hard for me for most of my life because as I've said in a lot of my previous IBS', I've been worried about what people would think of me or saying the wrong thing and turning someone away from Jesus altogether. I need to just give this fear to God and not rely on myself for the words. It doesn't matter what they think of me and I need to trust that He will give me the right words so that I represent Him well. I need to just step out in faith and trust Him to be faithful. It is just my job to be willing to shine. It's not even my light in the first place.


I am going to Invite 2 friends to join IGNITE. Also, I'm going to draw a light bulb and write this verse underneath it.

1 Corinthians 9:27 Inductive Bible Study: Discipline 3/27

1 Corinthians 9:27 says, "But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.

I need to discipline every part of my life. I need to discipline my thoughts, hands, feet, eyes, ears and so on. I have been learning this concept of discipline and bringing into subjection for my thoughts especially. My thoughts impact my actions so I need to make sure that they are disciplined. 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 talk about how to fight in the war we're in: "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled." I need to take my thoughts captive and bring them to the obedience of Jesus. I can't let myself dwell on things that aren't edifying to me or to God.

Matthew 5:29-30 talks about if one part of your body causes you to sin, like an eye or a hand for example, get rid of that part because it's better that you lose that part then for your whole body to go to hell. I want to have every part of my body disciplined so that it isn't stumbled by anything but under complete subjection.

"Lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified." I need to have myself completely under control so that when others see my actions or hear my words, I wouldn't be misguiding them. I need to be disciplined, especially when I'm teaching or being an example to others because I never want God to have to put me "on a shelf" where I'm not able to be used anymore because I misrepresented Him and His truths.

This weekend, I will write "Take your thoughts captive" on my arm.

1 Corinthians 9:26 Inductive Bible Study: Discipline 3/26

1 Corinthians 9:26 says, "Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air." 

Ok so I run not with uncertainty. So then what does that mean that I do run with? I do have certainty. I know where I'm going. I know what my purpose is. Every step is placed in confidence. Why? Because my purpose is to obtain the prize. That's my focus and goal. There is no reason to have uncertainty. Again, I can't look back because that would make me lose my focus. I have to remain focused and certain. 

"Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air." What does beating the air mean? That would be like purposelessly throwing punches.  That would waste my energy and I'm going to lose because I won't have the energy to last. And so then how do I fight? I need to have committed punches. Every move needs to be on purpose. I need to always have my goal in mind with every punch I throw. I want to win, not just throw as many punches as possible.

Ok so how can I apply this to my life? What are pointless things that I do that don't get me anywhere, but actually waste my energy, that I need to stop doing? I know that when I was at home, I watched really stupid T.V. shows and movies and listened to music that was just pointless. It wasn't helpful, it didn't make me a better person, and it didn't edify God. I need to be more purposeful with the things that I allow into my mind. My perspective on the things that I put in my head has really changed since being here. I have realized that everything effects my thinking so I need to be purposeful in what I watch and listen to. I need to allow things in that are pure, true, lovely, noble, just, of virtue, of good report and so on(Philippians 4:8). Psalm verse?

Today I'm going to delete the secular music that I still have off of my computer and I am going to try to the best of my ability to keep only listening to Christian music when I am home on my 10 day break. 

1 Corinthians 9:25 Inductive Bible Study: Discipline 3/25

1 Corinthians 9:25 says, "And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown."

Ok so yesterday's verse was about how to run the race. Today is about why you run the race: to win the prize. In a marathon, your goal is to win so that you can obtain the prize, which in Paul's day was a crown. A crown and the fame that comes with it fades. It won't last. If you're running a worldly race, you're always striving for a worldly crown. That "crown" could represent favor from people, a steady job, a big house or a lot of other things that we strive for but that ultimately all fade away. The crown that I am reaching for in heaven does not fade. I won't obtain it until I get to heaven but then I will never lose it.

I know that a lot of times, I used to get caught up in the temporal. I would be worried about the worldly race. I was always trying to win favor from people. In everything I did I wanted people to be happy with me. I wasn't putting their interests ahead of mine but thinking of myself because I wanted their favor. I wanted to help them so that they would be pleased with me. I was concerned for what they thought of me. This way of life is so consuming and intensely draining and so disappointing. I can't make everyone happy all the time. I will let people down because I'm human. But when instead I stopped making it about me and focusing on my need of always having favor with everyone and instead humbled myself and started considering others interests just because I love them and not thinking about what I am going to get out of it, it is so much more satisfying. There is so much more joy. That seems a little off topic but my point is that having favor with people is one of the earthly crowns that we strive for but it's temperate and it doesn't last. But when you change it instead to serving others and considering their interests above your own just because you love them, that's a way to run in such a way as to obtain the heavenly prize, and the heavenly prize doesn't fade; it's eternal.

This is just one example but I just want to make sure that in all things I have the heavenly, imperishable crown in view. I don't need to be discouraged when the race gets hard because the prize that I'm trying to win doesn't fade; it's everlasting life.

Today and tomorrow, I am going to write "imperishable crown" on my left hand to remind me what I am running the race to obtain.

1 Corinthians 9:24 Inductive Bible Study: Discipline 3/24

1 Corinthians 9:24 says, "Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize?  Run in such a way that you may obtain it."

Philippians 3:13-14 says, "Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."

Hebrews 12:1 says, "Therefore, we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us."

Ok so what is the race that Paul is talking about here? It's the Christian life. Everything that I do is either getting me further along in the race or making me fall behind. Paul talked a lot about races. Sports were a big part of the culture back then. Like I talked about last week, in Philippians 3:13, he tells us to forget what's behind and reach toward what's ahead; the prize that we have ahead of us. And I think he said that because he knew that if you're in a race and you look behind you for even a second to see where you've been or to see how the other people in the race are doing, you're going to slow down, lose your pace or go off course.

The author of Hebrews 12:1 also tells us how to run this race. We need to first throw off everything that hinders; that means sin and even just things that weigh us down. Andrew said in a teaching during chapel on this verse a few weeks ago that you don't really see people showing up at a race with baggy clothes, a heavy backpack, and a Big Gulp. Their clothes are going to be tight fitting and helpful for running the race effectively. This verse also says that we need to run the race with endurance. They also work on their form and their breathing and they train.

These verses are telling us how to run the race in a way that we may obtain the prize. The theme this week is discipline. Running a race takes discipline. Living life in a way that you will obtain the prize takes discipline. I have to discipline my thoughts, actions, words and so on in the way of Christ. I can't get lazy or sluggish lest I fall into sin. I have to stay disciplined. The prize is the prize of heaven. This world is hard but it isn't forever. Heaven, though, is eternal. That's what I have to look forward to.

Today, I will post this verse on my wall by my bed to remind me to stay disciplined in this race so that I may obtain the prize.

1 Corinthians 9:22a-23 Inductive Bible Study: Discipline 3/23

1 Corinthians 9:22a-23 says, "I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. Now this I do for the gospel's sake, that I may be partaker of it with you."

Before these verses, Paul is giving examples of the different ways that he has been all things to all men. We've been talking a lot about this concept in the last few weeks. When you go into someone else's culture, you can't go in trying to push your own culture on those people. That would communicate that your way of life is better than theirs and they would most likely be totally shut off to hearing what you have to say. But if you go in with the humble view point of wanting to learn their view point and their way of life, you will be more effective because they will most likely be more interested in hearing what you have to say. This could include dressing like them, learning their language, eating their foods, etc.

This verse makes me think of Hudson Taylor. He fully embraced the Chinese culture when he started doing missions there. He broke through all the barriers by dressing in their traditional clothing, eating what they ate, living how they lived, speaking how they spoke, and I even heard that he put black stuff in his hair so that he would look more like them. He would actually get mistaken for a Chinese person. He set new standards for missionaries. Hudson Taylor had such a big heart for the Chinese. He wanted them to know about Jesus and to come to a saving knowledge of Him. He didn't care that it wasn't normal to do what he did. He didn't care about normalcy. He just wanted them to understand the death and resurrection. He wanted them to understand God's love for them.

I like the wording of this first verse. Even though it's frustrating, it's true. I won't save all; I will save some. But that's worth it. I need to have a heart for the lost. I need to realize what waits for them if they don't come to a saving knowledge of Jesus. A quick skim through Revelation shows me that it isn't good. So with this knowledge, whatever lengths that I need to go to, even if it's only some that are saved from eternal death, it's worth it. Not everyone is going to accept the gospel and a lot of times, it's just because they don't want to change. My responsibility, though, is to do whatever I can to communicate the Good News to them. Accepting it is their responsibility.

Because I am serving as an IGNITE Intern for 6 months in Guatemala, I get the awesome opportunity of teaching English in the public schools using the Bible as my textbook. How cool is that??? My Spanish has gotten better since living here but it definitely needs to improve so that I can share the Gospel here more effectively throughout the next 6 months.

I am going to write down ten new Spanish words/phrases that I want to learn that will be helpful for teaching in schools and talking to kids at Kid's Club. I am going to work on learning two of them every day this week so that at the end of this week I will know all ten.