Monday, August 10, 2015

His Burden is Light... Matthew 11:28-29

Matthew 11:28-29
“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” 

Heavy. That is the best way to describe how I've been feeling the last few weeks. Not just heavy, but ever increasingly so. Different situations have been coming to light that just break my heart. God is opening my eyes to how evil this world actually is. I can't just stop seeing it anymore because he's bringing it right to my doorstep. It is apparent to me that the Lord is truly breaking my heart for what breaks His. It seems that He is preparing me for whatever He has for me in the future. And that is exciting. But man, it's also really hard. And just, heavy. 

And then the Truth steps in. The burden of this world is heavy. It's hard and scary and overwhelming. This world is fallen and evil. So many bad things happen constantly. But Jesus' yoke is easy and His burden is light. I am meant to have compassion for this world and a heart for the lost to be found. But it isn't right for me to bear that burden alone. I need to give it to Him. I was talking to a leader today and she said something that really helped me. Cattle and oxen have yokes on them but it isn't too heavy and they are able to keep working because it is balanced. The yoke is designed so that even though it is heavy, they can bear it. Jesus balances us when we let Him. We just have to give our burdens to Him.

My application this week is to lift up the people that the Lord has been laying on my heart and allow Him to lift the burden off my shoulders as He takes care of them.

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