Monday, July 6, 2015

All the little things... Colossians 3:23-24

Colossians 3:23-24 says,
 “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.”

This verse is an awesome reminder for me right now. We are almost halfway through our field time which also means we are about halfway through the IGNITE Program as a whole. Life is very rhythmic here. For the most part, we have a busy but consistent schedule. It's easy to get comfortable in the normal flow of things and forget why I am here. So this verse is helpful to remember. It doesn't matter what I am doing; I am told to do it heartily as to the Lord. And that doesn't just mean the “big” ministry things that I am involved in. Lots of people only see big things as important to God but it is made very clear that it's supposed to be whatever we do. That means how I treat my team, how I submit to authority, how I react to migraines, how I treat people after a long busy day at school, cleaning the kitchen, helping prepare food, cleaning my room. Whatever I do. Every little thing. If you think about it, anything we can offer is small to God. But He wants all of it and He wants it to be done with all of our hearts.

Galatians 6:9 says,
 “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”

This verse has also been encouraging to me. God laid this verse on my heart back at the beginning of IGNITE and every so often I need to go back to it. Sometimes I can get tired. Sometimes I can get discouraged. “Nothing I'm doing is reaping anything.” Satan throws these types of thoughts at me so that I will give up. But I'm told to do everything with my whole heart as to the Lord and not get tired while doing good. God has me in this place doing these things for a reason. For His purposes. Nothing I'm doing in His name is meaningless. I don't always see the immediate results that I want. It doesn't matter. Do it as to the Lord. 

There are beautiful promises in both of these verses. I will receive the reward of inheritance. I will reap what I have sown. This isn't for nothing. For I serve the Lord Christ.  But also I am reminded that I need to not lose heart. Don't give up! You will receive the reward! You get to spend your eternity in heaven with the God of the universe! So don't give up! 

My application is to hang both of these verses on my wall and pray for God to give me joy and diligence in whatever I do in whatever state that I am in.

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