This verse has been coming up a lot lately in every book I read and every Bible study I hear, and every time I see it, I remember how blessed I am. I am foolish. I am unworthy. I am weak. But because He wants to show His glory, He has chosen me, even with all of my foolishness. He is transforming my life every day. He is using me to do things that I could never do on my own. My only explanation for why God would possibly choose me and use me is that He is doing exactly what this passage says. He is using the weak to shame the strong. What God is doing in and through my life is all because He wants to show His glory. When I think of what and where I was when God saved me, I can't help but be amazed at God's goodness and sovereignty.
This passage makes me think of when Samuel went to anoint one of Jesse's sons to be the next king of Israel. Both Jesse and and Samuel were using the world's standards to choose who should be the next king. But God was on a totally different track. God doesn't see with the world's perspective. In his family's eyes, David was the least of all of them. He was just the shepherd boy. Jesse was so convinced that David wouldn't be selected to be king that he didn't even call him when he was told to gather all of his sons. But God saw him completely differently. He saw someone after His heart that He could use to show His glory. No one ever thought David was capable of doing anything significant. David was weak and God saw an opportunity to transform him into a mighty man for His glory.
David's story and 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 are encouraging to me because I know that I am foolish and weak but I can see God's hand in my life. The only explanation I can think of for why He would choose me and use me is so that others look at my life and see Him. I am so humbled every day by where I was and where I am now and I know I have a long way to go but I know that He will finish the work that He has started in me(Philippians 1:6). I could never boast in myself because on my own, I am weak and foolish. All I can do it boast in the Lord and His goodness and strength.
I am going to put this passage on my wall.